THE ART OF PICKING UP THE GIRLS OF YOUR DREAMS To Select a particular scene, click on the grey button corresponding to the scene you wish to enjoy. To view PICKING UP THE GIRLS in its entirety, click on the "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" logo at the top of the screen. This will present the video in linear fashion. Running time is approximately 75 minutes. To Exit a video while it is running, press the Escape key. To determine whether you are in Lo-Res (Full Screen, 320x200x256) or Hi-Res (1/3 Screen, 640x480x256) mode, look at the bottom left of your screen for the "STATUS: High(Low)-Res" box. To change the viewing mode to Low or High Resolution click your mouse pointer on the "Switch to (Hi/Lo)-Res" button at the bottom right of your screen. To get this help screen, just repeat what you did to get here now. To exit this help screen, press the Escape Key. NOTE: IF YOUR VIDEO IS NOT PLAYING PROPERLY, TRY REINSTALLING USING THE INSTALL2.BAT FILE. SIMPLY LOG TO YOUR CD-ROM AND TYPE: INSTALL2 and press the Enter Key. Thank you for purchasing "PICKING UP THE GIRLS". For more information about PC CompoNet's other fine products, call (310) 943-9878. Here is a synopsis of technical information related to "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" extracted from the ReadMe.txt file: PICKING UP THE GIRLS To install "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" viewing software, log to your CD-ROM drive and type: "INSTALL" and press Enter. For a successful install you will need about .5 Megabytes of available space on your "C:" Drive. Upon initiating the "INSTALL" program as indicated above, an Installation menu will will appear: To continue the install process choose option 1. by typing: "1" and pressing Enter. To read the README file before proceeding with the install process, select "2" from the menu and press Enter. To exit back to DOS select "3" from the menu and press Enter. If your system is configured correctly, and you have gone through the installation process, you can begin enjoying "PICKING UP THE GIRLS". Simply log to your "C:" drive, type: "CD\PICKUP" and press Enter then type: "GO" and press Enter. If "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" does not load properly then you will need to review the following information regarding your system configuration. System Requirements: To run "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" you need to have: 1. Your Microsoft Mouse driver loaded, 2. Your system configured for 2 megabytes of expanded memory, 3. At least 580 K-Bytes of Conventional memory available. Instructions for adjusting your system to meet these requirements follow: Setting up Expanded Memory: To set up your system environment with expanded memory, you must edit the "CONFIG.SYS" file in your root directory ("C:\") to include the following lines: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 2048 RAM FRAME=E000 Maximizing Conventional Memory If "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" still does not load, check your available conventional (low) memory. You can do this by typing: MEM and pressing Enter. Check to make sure that you have at least 580 Kbytes of free memory in the low memory area. If you do not have enough free memory available, you may be able to adjust your system configuration by changing all "Device=..." statements in your config.sys file to "DeviceHigh=...". In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file you can precede commands with the "LoadHigh " statement. Both of these actions will load drivers and programs into high (Extended) memory thereby freeing up conventional memory. An alternative is to create a "Boot Disk". This is done by formatting a system disk. To do this place a blank disk in the "A:" drive and type: FORMAT A:/S Then you can make a "skeleton" config.sys file by setting up expanded memory (EMM386.EXE, see above), and loading high the drivers for your CD-ROM, Sound Card, etc. Leave any unecessary commands out of your config.sys and autoexec.bat. Reboot your system with the newly created system in drive "A:" Now you can log to the "C:" drive and execute "PICKING UP THE GIRLS". MOUSE If your "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" Video Sequences appear to be loading properly and suddenly revert back to DOS or your mouse pointer doesn't work, you need to install your MicroSoft Mouse driver. The mouse driver installation for Windows does not necessarily apply to the DOS environment. To install your mouse driver, look for a file on your system called or mouse.exe. Change to the directory which contains that file and execute it by typing "MOUSE" and pressing the enter key. To verify that your mouse driver loaded properly, look for the message: "Mouse Driver Loaded". VIDEO CARDS Some conventional VGA/SVGA video cards require a Vesa driver to run correctly. Included on your CD-ROM is a directory called "DRIVERS" which contains several drivers for various popular video boards. To use these drivers you must do the following: 1. Determine the chipset of your video card. You may refer to your video card manual or you may have to physically inspect the card for this information. You will need this information to choose the appropriate driver. 2. UNZIP (Decompress) the appropriate driver by A. Changing into the DRIVERS directory on your CD-ROM drive. This is done by logging to your CD-ROM drive and typing: "CD\DRIVERS" B. As an example assume that you have determined that your video card has a TSENG LABS Chipset. You would then Type: "UNZIP TSENGVSA.ZIP C:\PICKUP" and press Enter. 3. Apply the driver by following the instructions included with it, or by simply typing in the file name preceding the COM or EXE extention. 4. After you have loaded the driver, run "PICKING UP THE GIRLS" as indicated above. An indication that your system may need a vesa driver is when you have bright CGA colors splashing your screen, or when hi-res mode is playing in lo-res. Local Bus Video Cards Local Bus video cards are quickly becoming common as they significantly boost performance for Windows users. However these cards sometimes cause memory conflict errors when used with DOS Programs. The install program places a special driver on your system to accomodate most Local Bus Video Cards. This driver is designed to help overcome the memory conflict problem. Performance on a local bus card may be slower as the special driver is actively manipulating memory while playing your video sequences. If your video performance is extremely choppy, or if you have a Cirrus Logic VESA card, please indicate this on your registration card so that we may send you any updated drivers that might improve performance. SOUND If you have a sound card which is compatible with Sound Blaster or Pro-Audio Spectrum, and if your sound card is correctly installed, you should have no problems with sound. The installation program automatically configures for your sound card. If you are getting no sound at all, check to make sure that the software installation for your sound card matches the hardware settings on your sound card. Also check to be sure that your config.sys or autoexec.bat file contains the appropriate sound card drivers. If you are getting high-pitched noise, or heavy static, or frequent loss of sound, chances are that you have an address or interrupt conflict problem. Recommended sound card settings are: DMA Channel 1, Interrupt 7, Addr. 220. or DMA Channel 3, Interrupt 7, Addr. 220. If you are getting sound but get periodic jerkiness or skips, the likelyhood is that your CD-ROM drive or its interface, or your PC CPU is too slow to adequately process the information quickly enough to allow for smooth operation. A double spin CD-ROM drive is recommended and is manufactured by Toshiba, Texel, Nec, Panasonic, Philips, and others. If your system has a sustained throughput of at least 150 kilobytes per second, an average access time of less than 350 milliseconds, and a 64K transfer buffer, you should be able to enjoy the full quality of performance of "PICKING UP THE GIRLS". REGISTRATION To receive updated drivers and new product information, please take the time to fill out and mail in the accompanying registration card. Or, you may add yourself to PC CompoNet's mailing list by calling (310) 943-9878. Thank you for your purchase. PICKING UP THE GIRLS Copyright 1993 PC CompoNet, Inc. 1201 S. Beach Blvd. Suite 204 La Habra, CA 90631 About PC CompoNet's other products... "L.A. STRIPPERS" The first interactive rock-video album available on CD-ROM. A triple treat of Beautiful Girls, Harley Davidsons, and Rock & Roll. A unique and powerfully entertaining disc. Rated: N/R, Explicit Nudity "VISUAL FANTASIES ON CD" Known to be the first user oriented triple XXX rated adult CD, "Visual Fantasies" contains over 2,600 still photos in the GIF format. A friendly user interface allows the user to select catagories of fantasies such as Group Sex, Lesbian, Breasts, Bondage, and much much more. Once a fantasy is selected, you can sit back and enjoy a slide show that will last longer than you. "MOVING FANTASIES ON CD" A collection of short movie loops in the FLI, GL, and DL formats. You can select from over 200 movie shorts that represent the best in available adult triple XXX loops for your computer. "THINGS CHANGE, MY FIRST TIME" The first full length feature film on CD-ROM. "Things Change" is a top quality 84 minute adult film on a two CD set. Running under DOS with state of the art technology, "Things Change" provides full screen, full color, X rated viewer enjoyment at an unprecedented 320x200x256 resolution. At 1/3rd screen, you can view in high resolution VGA (640x480x256). "Things Change" is an excellent story depicting a young lesbian maiden's less than reluctant venture into the realm of straight sex. Excellent acting, performance, and viewing. "PRINCESS OF PERSIA" Another full length adult feature film. Features exotic Persian women, CIA plot, and lots of hot triple XXX action. Interactive user interface allows user to select favorite scenes for immediate viewing. "GIRLS OF THE MARDI GRAS" Enjoy the wild times and beautiful women at the party of parties in New Orleans. This CD promises only to keep you in a state of constant enjoyment whenever and wherever you run it. "WICKED WHISPERS" Sex and the paranormal combine to provide you with a breathtakingly erotic feature. This CD shows off the latest in action packed sex and digitization technology. A superb XXX title for your collection.. These titles and over 300 others ranging from adult, to games, to education, reference, and business are available from PC CompoNet. To place an order or request a catalog, give us a call at (800) 524-3811, (310-943-9878) or Fax us at (310) 947-1131. Or write to: PC CompoNet, Inc. 1201 S. Beach Blvd. Suite 204 La Habra, CA 90631